MY roots

November 1995

  • In November 1995 I was born into to the Lacrosse. my parents and older siblings already playing in the backyard together

Summer 1998

  • Around about this time I was already playing around with lacrosses. Everything the I did, I did it with a lacrosse sticks. If my older siblings were doing something lacrosse related I wanted to be there too. Lacrosse was my world and some say that it still is today.

Getting my first brother strung lacrosse head

  • Now I have had a lot of Lacrosse sticks in my day but the one that I remember most, was a Brine Bionic USA dyed head. Now I don’t know which member of my family strung that stick but I do remember receiving it from my older brother. I remember just looking at the head and thinking how awesome it was and at that time I didn’t know it but it id change my way of looking at lacrosse heads.

Moving from Place to Place

  • Growing up in my family was not easy but we did make it work. We have moved a lot and have been to a lot of places and seen a lot of things but the reason that all happened was mainly due to lacrosse. So that did mean I spent most of my time on, off and near a lacrosse. Whether or not if it was a tournament for me or for one of my siblings we were all there together. But there were times that my parents want to go to tournaments to grow the game by selling all kinds of lacrosse stuff from Helmets, all the way to shoes and socks.

SKR Sports

  • SKR Sports were my partners Sporting good store and that is where I found my love for stringing. After school I was always able to get a new stick and try to string it up. Most of the time, I’m not going to lie, they were bad. And I mean really bad but I did not care. I just kept on trying and trying again.

The Last Big Move

  • So this is the time where I moved with some of my family to Germany. Now to be honest with you it was not easy for me. I was 13 at the time. I had just left a place that I called home for 13 years. All my friends that I grew up with and laxed with were gone. when I got of that plane I had no idea what my parents were getting me into but I know that they had their reasonings. And with saying/thinking of all that I had forgotten one thing and that was lacrosse. On the first day of living in Germany my brother and I went to lacrosse practice and I remember not understand them at all but I felt it that day, lacrosse would never change. One that I my family just grew even bigger than I would have ever thought it would.