Recycle Reuse Reduce


What is Recycle, Reuse and Reduce?

Why would I want to do this?

Is it that important for me to recycle my old larcrosse sticks?

Who will it help in the end?

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Step 1 Recycle


In a players career, he or she will bill buy 1 to 2 sticks every 2 years. that could add up to 10 or more sticks in a players caree. most of the time those older sticks will be put in the corner and most likly never used again.

Is there the ability to Recycle those sticks?


Send in your Old lacrosse head and/shaft to Lax Jungle. With every stick that you send in, you will RECEIVE a 10% GIFT-CODE and free shipping for your next order.

Send us your old sticks.


2. Reuse


What is Lax Jungle going to do with all those old lacrosse sticks. Are they all reusable? What are they going to do with the old stringing thats in the heads? what if the head is broken? What if the shaft is bent?

Does it make sence to send in my old stick?


With every old stick that comes in, I will look at each head and shaft for cracks, MIS-FORMED, bents and/or if they are broken. once those sticks are sorted out, each stick will get a fresh new look. they will have the old pocket taken out, SCRUBBED down and then get a brand pocket strung into it.

All other heads and shafts that are too damaged will then be brought to a recycling plant where is can be melted down and later on reused.

Yes it makes sence to send in your old Stick.


3. Reduce


Ok, now you have all these old lacrosse sticks that you have cleaned and restrung.

How are you going to Reduce with these old sticks?


The goal is now to send out these old renewed lacrosse sticks to players and clubs that need them. These sticks will go into new players hands with a custom pocket that is made for the easy catch and release.

The best part of this project is that everyone wins. you will get 20% off your next PURCHASE just by sending in your old Stick. The new beginner players / Clubs will get new sticks to help them grow the sport for FREE. And the best part of it is we are saving the Earth in the best way we can.

We want to grow the game and do our part in help saving the earth!


Please Fill out this form, I will write back to everyone as soon as I can with all the information you need to send me your old lacrosse gear.

If you have any questions please let me know!